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TCDD 6th Region Bahçe-Nurdağ Passage

  • Employer : TCDD
  • Year : 2014
  • Status : Construction Continues
  • Location : Between Bahçe-Nurdağı
  • Work done : Route and engineering structures (bridge, tunnel underpass and overpass) application projects for the 17 km long double-track high-speed train line.

DKE Engineering

Scope of Work: All infrastructure, road, river engineering, bridges, culverts, and lining designs of precast segmented twin tunnels along the 17 km line. Within this scope, in addition to the 10km TBM tunnel excavated using the Robbins hard rock machine, a 750m long cut and cover tunnel was designed. In addition, a diaphragm curtain design was envisaged as the temporary shoring system of the cut-and-cover tunnel and all details were made by our company.

The construction area is spread over an extremely narrow and congested area due to the BOTAŞ, Adana Gaziantep highway passing through the region. That's why protection structures have been designed in some areas along the route.

Additionally, 6 precast girder bridges serving various purposes were designed along the route. In addition to bridges, various highway underpasses have also been designed.

Within the scope of river engineering, 22 culverts of various lengths and sizes were designed. All route studies have been carried out within our scope.

Special cases of the project:

- The longest railway tunnel built in the country to date

- Building an approach structure with a T wall for the first time

- The project where the diaphragm wall is used as an impermeability curtain